District 4 - Velour (The Tilt)
A fully residential district with only three huge blocks dedicated for factories producing
everything from food, clothing and everyday necessities, Velour is also the second largest district.
Producing most of the workforce for Avenue 7 and churning out top-notch candidates for Imayam and The
Forge, this district is the closest to a conventional city of old. Varied, both culturally and otherwise -
Velour has both relative and borderline-poverty and untold abundance, all depending which side of it you
are on. Nicknamed as "The Tilt", Velour's megaplatform is constructed to tilt down onto a plateau which
allows transport to enter Mauve from the outside, it also is the only way for ground vehicles from other
districts to reach The Catacombs. Created out of necessity, rather than a particular notable legendary
birth by a founding father or mother - Velour instead is ruled by a small group of faceless individuals
simply known as "The Board". A plain name to be sure, unimaginative, yet apt. The Board oversees everything
and provides a much-needed counterweight to the political machinations of the other interests within Mauve.
It is the gateway district and the maw that lets the world in or shuts it out. Bathed in a ghoulish green
neon, it looks sort of like an emerald from afar. From up-close, it looks like it could not decide what to
produce so it produces almost everything the other three cannot. And yet what Velour does produce that's
the most valuable is an opportunity for the poorest to climb the rungs of success and one day be someone
within this vast megalopolis. Perhaps a scientist, or a forge mechanic, perhaps a multi-billionaire? Or
perhaps, someone who carries on the flame of the one's that died long ago - a Dreamer, the tech scavenger,
the forever hopeful, the forever damned.