The Lore of Neon
Mauve, The Metropolis
An amalgam of five districts, Mauve (so named after the iconic neon glow bathing most of the city) is home to nearly seventy million people and is the second largest city in the world by unofficial census records.

In the early 2040s, it was better known as a landfill site for discarded, disused or otherwise rejected technology and gear the largest corporations could get rid of. Back then, if a corp wanted to bury a project that didn't pan out or ran it's course -- it would get put on an armed convoy and shipped to the landfill site, where giant machines would seal anything given to them in a tungsten-carbide-polymer cuboid and neatly stack it. Over the years, roving bands of would-be treasure hunters and "old tech" enthusiasts came to the site to explore and find fame. Most died to the security measures implemented to deter tech thieves, those who lived - decided to make it their permanent home and find ways around the security systems to strike it big and make something of themselves. The first settlers in what is now known as Mauve were called "Dreamers", albeit mockingly, for their never-ending optimism for uncovering some long-locked-up tech that would make them richer than those who made The Benevolent. It did not take long for those settlers to become rich off the forgotten gems that lay within the heap of cube-shaped coffins so they put their new-found riches to work.

Soon, cubes of sealed off tech became pillars upon which great metal platforms began to lay. Year over year the burial grounds intended for secrets and failures got covered in the shadow of four incredibly large platforms - each linked with bridges, upon which stood the beginnings of four upper city districts that will one day set fire to the sky so completely with their neon glow, that the only logical name for this megalopolis would be the same as the dominant colour in which the city now found itself bathed in - Mauve.
District 0 - The Catacombs
What of the landfill? Well, dear reader -- it is still there, and still attracting both young and old, all dreamers alike, inviting everyone to explore long-lost secrets or die trying. As with everything in the world, Mauve being no exception, fairness was what folk made it to be for themselves. The rich elites of the four districts deported the undesirables and the poor to the undercity, now simply referred to as "The Catacombs" it is the bleakest most impoverished district of Mauve. Make no mistake though, reader, it could not be more full of life. Downtrodden, beaten, unlucky, or poor -- all live in the shadows of the giant districts and feed off the scraps from above or what may come from the scavenging parties below, among the wreckages of humanity's failures. Among the harsh reality of their own dark fate is the sliver of hope that somewhere deep inside this geometric sprawl there lies salvation and perhaps, a means to take over Mauve and make it a city for everyone, not just the mega-rich. Or so the stories go, anyway.
District 1 - Avenue 7
Named so in jest by it's founding father - William F. Crahst, mainly in honour of his favourite book about treasure hunters when he was only a young man -- Avenue 7 is the largest district of Mauve and lies at the centre of the city. It is by design the beating heart through which all lifeblood flows.

If you wish to trade goods, ship anything or simply visit the other districts, you will have to cross Avenue 7 and you will pay for the privilege. And it truly is a privilege, for the scenery is something to behold. A multi-level district designed to shine like the brightest jewel in the night's sky, studded with skyscrapers, ablaze with neon and abuzz with the sounds of bustling streets, droning workers and self-important bureau-aristocracy of the trading blocks. It's size does not come without downsides, however, as with any large megastructure - there's always a way past the defences, which in turn means that smuggling goods, tech and even citizens between the other districts is a commonplace underground activity in Avenue 7. So much so that the ones in charge have created a sizeable unit of enforcers to combat this "plague of crime" as the mayor - Alcinea Crahst once called it.
District 2 - The Forge
If Avenue 7 is the beating heart of commerce, then The Forge is what enables it to continue beating. Without the scientific brilliance of Forge's scientists, thinkers, designers and scores of R&D resources, Mauve would never have become this wealthy. Any salvaged tech, or tech made in Mauve will come from here. It was once hailed as the brain of Mauve (to continue the anatomical simile) and hailed a miracle district as it enabled Mauve to grow rapidly and become the vast monster it is today. Exhibiting a blueish and slightly dimmer hue than it's sister district, The Forge was founded by twins Freeman and Cassimir, men of now nobility or notoriety -- both scientists by choice, both incredibly smart and ambitious. Without last names to weight them down, they could turn their focus into utilising the vast technological remnants below to turn their luck and become a formidable force in Mauve's history and present day. It is said that when the twins reached their biological limits and their bodies failed, they found a way to transfer their consciousness into a city-block-sized room of bio-machines which made them into the immortal de-facto ruler of the Forge. All legend, of course, dear reader - for you see the Forge is in truth run by none other than Leitu Crahst, the brother of Avenue 7's mayor and daughter of William Crahst - Alcinea. A shrewd and unyielding man, Leitu rules with cold logic and no emotion, sometimes to the detriment of his own people, but always for the sake of never-ending progress and bright future of his district.
District 3 - Imayam
Whilst the first two were named to some degree either in sentiment or logic, Imayam was named so during a drug-fuelled party-gone-wrong. The long-dead group of founding fathers and mothers (as the story goes) read the name of some fictional city from a place far away from an old and tattered book, yet did so in front of a mirror. A mix of drugs, dyslexia and a mirrored image resulted in a rather strong sounding name. As easy as it would be to dismiss the founding of this district as some folklore joke, the party has long since stopped and Imayam had matured from a shanty-town of designer drug addict shacks to the pharmaceutical centre of Mauve, full of bright scientists and chemists who toil day and night to find ever-better ways of dulling pain, creating a high or aiding the industry using nature's languages of genetics and chemistry. While the other two districts are bathed in neon glow, this district is dim in light and bathed in chemical fumes twenty-four hours a day. Inhabitants all look alike, because they all wear hazmat suits whenever they do leave their hermetically sealed homes, thankfully there's not much to venture out for. The city is sterile to say the least. Cleanest of all districts in terms of rubbish and yet the most polluted and inhospitable. The chemlabs of Imayam provide everything from coolant and material treatment chemicals for the R&D teams in the Forge, to drugs and medicines for the elites of Avenue 7 and beyond. In fact, beyond might be more real in this case, dear reader as there are rumours floating about that the chemists of Imayam have found ways to extend human life for hundreds of years via drug and gene therapies as well as turn people into subservient slaves using nothing but odourless and undetectable gasses. Whether true or not, Imayam is a district where miracle drugs come from and while it's waste drips down and poisons The Catacombs every minute of every day, it's products have never been more crucial for life to continue in Mauve - if you can afford them, of course.
District 4 - Velour (The Tilt)
A fully residential district with only three huge blocks dedicated for factories producing everything from food, clothing and everyday necessities, Velour is also the second largest district. Producing most of the workforce for Avenue 7 and churning out top-notch candidates for Imayam and The Forge, this district is the closest to a conventional city of old. Varied, both culturally and otherwise - Velour has both relative and borderline-poverty and untold abundance, all depending which side of it you are on. Nicknamed as "The Tilt", Velour's megaplatform is constructed to tilt down onto a plateau which allows transport to enter Mauve from the outside, it also is the only way for ground vehicles from other districts to reach The Catacombs. Created out of necessity, rather than a particular notable legendary birth by a founding father or mother - Velour instead is ruled by a small group of faceless individuals simply known as "The Board". A plain name to be sure, unimaginative, yet apt. The Board oversees everything and provides a much-needed counterweight to the political machinations of the other interests within Mauve. It is the gateway district and the maw that lets the world in or shuts it out. Bathed in a ghoulish green neon, it looks sort of like an emerald from afar. From up-close, it looks like it could not decide what to produce so it produces almost everything the other three cannot. And yet what Velour does produce that's the most valuable is an opportunity for the poorest to climb the rungs of success and one day be someone within this vast megalopolis. Perhaps a scientist, or a forge mechanic, perhaps a multi-billionaire? Or perhaps, someone who carries on the flame of the one's that died long ago - a Dreamer, the tech scavenger, the forever hopeful, the forever damned.
The Theatre
The Benevolent
Artificial intelligence has been one of the pillars of civilisation for decades, but nobody could predict an AI like the Benevolent could be made at all. It is so powerful that it can predict the future with near-perfect accuracy. As of now, it is only able to see 0.12 seconds ahead, but it has become the basis of the success that the Theatre has seen. It allows its fighters to use real weapons for combat accuracy, while the Benevolent watches and stops the fight just before anyone dies.

While The Benevolent has been hailed as a wonder, it's application to "dogfighting" has been criticised widely across the planet. Lobbyists, AI rights groups and countries with inferior AI call for Mauve to cease the cruel practices using the shackled intellect and instead put it to use for purposes more matching the name it was given. Medicine, science, space travel -- all could be advanced much further and faster using The Benevolent.
Evo Inc.
The premiere technology company on Terre. They are known for the creation of the Evo Suit, a powerful exoskeleton that can morph into seemingly any weapon or armour. These suits have been one of the greatest advancements in technology in the last century, and have been used by the military to protect all citizens of Terre. It is also used by capable fighters to compete in The Theatre, an endless battle competition that drives most advancements in technology and combat.
Haubert, The Protector
Sex: Male - Age: 26 - MMR: 400

As kind-hearted as he is sheltered, Haubert hails from a wealthy family with their roots in Avenue 7. Wanting for nothing in his early life, forced to study in prestigious schools and earmarked for the line of succession - Haubert wants nothing more than to escape the path of destiny that his family so diligently carved out for him. Ever since he was a teenager, Haubert longed for adventure he could only read about or see in his VR games. Grand fights, untold riches, fame, danger and damsels! What a life.. In pursuit of this life, Haubert began sneaking out at night and training in gyms all around The Tilt. Wearing commoner clothing, even adopting the local accents to blend in. Haubert has fought hard and finally worked enough to be shortlisted for his first Theatre fight.
Amorce, The Outlaw
Sex: Female - Age: 19 - MMR: 400

Born into a poor family in the suburbs of Mauve, Amorce was forced to become the main provider for her family at a young age. With her dad dead while she was only 12, she had to resort to crime to be able to provide for her mother and younger brother. She became known for her criminal prowess and subtlety, and was eventually approached by an organised crime syndicate. From then, she was equiped with a stolen Evo to call her own. Years later, she was caught while stealing from a rich family, and was given the choice of either going to jail or fighting in The Theatre.
Clé, The Assembler
Sex: Female - Age: 23 - MMR: 400
Verglas, Cold-Blooded
Sex: Female - Age: 21 - MMR: 400