Game Structure
Start of Game
- All players show their hero card and places it at the center of their half of the arena
- A player or team is chosen at random to decide if they start the first turn with priority or
- All players then choose 2 equipments that they keep face down and exactly 60 cards to play
the game with
- All players reveal their equipment and the game starts
Turn Structure
Start of turn
- All players draw 4 cards
- For each card that a player has recycled last turn, they either put it in their hand or put
it in their discard pile and draw a new card
Priority Phases
- The active player or team (the player or team with priority) may do these actions during
their priority phase, in any order:
- Paying a movement point to move to an adjacent square
- Playing an action, which includes:
- Playing a card
- Activating an ability
- Recycling a card, which you place face down, up to 2
- If no player has any card in hand and both players or teams passed without doing anything,
the turn ends
- If both players or teams passed without doing anything, the active player must then do
- Else, the priority is passed to the opposing player or team and this section repeats
End of turn
- All effects that last until end of turn end